Sigh. I have so much to catch up on. It's almost painful when I realize how much I've missed just by not blogging like I normally do.
I use this blog as our family's journal and as I think back...I've missed some big events. Oh, I'll definitely write about them and try to recapture those important milestones. But it's the small little details I'll be foggy on and probably altogether forget. Just helps me determine in my mind not to give up on remembering. To keep on, keeping on because God is so kind to us. He has blessed our little family greatly and I want to be like the Psalmist who says:
"Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits." Psalm 103
Even today I've been working to Bless the Lord in my heart when the circumstances around me only make me want to complain or grumble. We're in the thick of round #2 (as in second time this summer) of super high fevers, achy bodies and sleepless nights. It's a challenge. Makes me want to rebel in my heart as I watch my girls suffer all the while it being hotter than blazes outside.
But...King David didn't say to Bless the Lord only during the good times. He didn't tell us to ascribe Glory and Honor to the Lord just when you feel like it. He instructs us to continuously Bless the Lord at all times, that His praise be on our lips. So that is what I'm preaching to myself right now. And I'm praying that the more I do that, the more I beg of the Lord to change my heart, that my first response will be to worship Him.
Wow. There's a little insight into my heart tonight. Hope you don't mind.
And since it's getting later than I had planned, I'll just leave you with one picture. It's probably my favorite of all the pictures I took this summer. And just to warn's not exactly "G" rated. But I really love it and don't plan to post it on it will only be here on my blog this one time.
See you soon!