Monday, April 16, 2012

Missing Him...

I miss him. It hits me when I smell bacon cooking on a Saturday morning. The times when I see the word Redskins across a headline on ESPN. When an older, white-haired man sits in front of me with his grandchildren on a Sunday morning at church. The times when I drive by a fairway or see a man dressed in slacks and a collared shirt with clubs slung over his shoulder. I miss him when I get a whiff of Old Spice or fold Matt's {one} handkerchief (yes I had to look that up to spell it!). The ache wells up when I hear his voice that still remains on my Grandmom's answering machine. Sometimes...when I know for certain she's not home...I call it 3 or 4 times over and over again just to listen to that strong, commanding, military voice on the other end. Tears spill. I push redial and do it all over again for those 10 seconds of remembrance. The lump in my throat is still's gotten smaller after 5 1/2 years but nevertheless I feel it.
It especially hit me hard when my oldest was born and my dad decided to carry on my Poppy's name by having him be Poppy now. It's bittersweet. My children will never know their Great Grandfather but his name, memory and likeness will be carried on by my dad. I do love that!

I guess I'm writing all of this to share a part of my memories that I never want to forget. I don't want to forget that Poppy loved adverbs...especially ones that end in -ly. That he loved Bryers ice cream and you could find 2 or 3 half gallon cartons in the freezer in the garage at any given time. That he was social, had wonderful, intelligent and kind friends who were always so happy to see me and my sisters when we were visiting them in Virginia Beach. That even though it probably took a LOT of extra patience, Poppy rarely refused when one of us granddaughters asked if we could come along while he played golf to drive the cart. Still one of my favorite memories with him! I don't want to forget how he made it a priority for him and Grandmom to be at every major event in our lives...even if it meant them flying all the way to Alaska to do so! Family was his priority and never for a second did I question his love for me. He was a great swimmer, incredible story-teller, brilliant author and made famous for marketing the game Scattergories.

And lastly, every time spring comes around I'm reminded of how much he loved Peeps! I'd have to ask, but I'm almost sure there never was an Easter where he didn't eat his beloved marshmallow treat. In honor of you, Poppy, Reese, Matt and I all enjoyed these purples bunnies.

Poppy, you continue to leave your imprint on my heart. I think about how wonderful a grandfather you were to me, all the words of wisdom you gave, the many, many hugs and kisses and the way us grandchildren felt lavished upon. My prayer is that the lessons you imparted will be handed down to my children as I raise them. I know for a fact that your example is being lived out beautifully by your dad! I'm forever thankful that you were my Poppy!


  1. A beautiful tribute/- Missy

  2. I had not read this before today (4/16/16). Thank you Ashley for your kind words of remembrance. Poppy would be very proud of your writing skills, even though they are about him. I will never measure up to the Poppy, my dad was to you girls. I am proud of you, the mother that you have become, as well as my dad would be. Love you.
