Dearest Reese,
There are not enough words to describe the joy and elation that your dad and I felt the moment we laid eyes on you a year ago today. The very first things we noticed about you were your dark, thick hair and the cutest little dimple in your chin. As soon as the doctor handed you to me, I breathed a very big sigh of relief. You were here on the outside with us and no longer a curiosity or wonder but a very definite reality. Of course all those kicks and nudges I felt told me we were having a baby but no longer did I have to imagine you. You were the most beautiful newborn to me and having seen many, many babies I felt justified in my (maybe) biased opinion.
You have taught me so many things in your short one year of life. I've learned to relax as a mom! Wow! Those first few weeks I felt as tight as a top trying to get everything right, making sure you were eating enough, sleeping when you should, weren't sleeping too much so that you'd sleep more at night and how to swaddle you so you wouldn't get out of your blanket. If I only knew that eventually you would might have taken a long time but you got there! I learned that when you put your baby on a schedule, they stick to that schedule and things like going to church and missing your naps will just be a little bit harder. I've learned that sound machines do wonders for apartment living, that blueberries REALLY stain, that fevers last about 3 days and not to call the pediatrician as soon as one spikes because he'll tell me the same thing, and I'm slowly learning that when you want to be held and loved on...the dishes, dusting, vacuuming, laundry or dinner will wait.
Reesie girl, you have forever changed our lives! You made us a family and have brought so much laughter, life, energy and fun to our home. There have been hard times too but I know in those moments God was using them to cause me to cling to Him all the more dependently or to pray that much more earnestly. Daddy and I pray every day that you would know Christ as your Savior, that you would repent of your sin and understand that salvation is only through the work of Jesus Christ who died for you. We pray your heart would be tender and soft to His Word and that you would love Him all the days of your life.
And's a look back on your first year. Happy Birthday sweet Reese Lanae!
Love, Mama
My Birth day ~ March 21st |
One month
Two months |
Three months |
Four months |
Five months |
Six months |
Seven months |
Eight months |
Nine months |
Ten months |
Eleven months |
1 Year ~March 21, 2011 |
More pictures of your birthday to come...