I'm experiencing technological difficulties. And really it's all my fault. I've been on borrowed time for too long. About 4 months ago I got a message from blogger that I had reached my maximum capacity for data storage and I needed to buy more. Silly me! I just started deleting pictures from Picasa, not realizing that I was virtually deleting {lots} of time, effort and memories away from previous blog posts. Upon discovering it, I stopped deleting but never went back to "fix" said posts. This allowed me to keep posting/downloading pictures...until today! Not so fun to see that little memo again.
I have so many things to blog about! The month of May alone has been jam packed with family events and sweet moments I don't want to forget. BUT I need my super savy hubby at home to figure out with me how much we want to spend on data storage a month {soo lame that there has to be a limit on free}. As soon as that happens, I'll be back to update life on these things:
* Mollie's graduation
* Mother's Day
* My baby turning 10 months old
* Our trip to Oregon
* Stephen and Diana's wedding
* Birthday weekend
* Some big changes coming in the Mehringer family!!
So much to look forward to...I'll be back as soon as I can.
I didn't realize there was a limit. I have been blogging for almost four years now and I have never gotten a message that I was running out of space...?
ReplyDeletehey...i think you can get extra storage for 5 dollars for the year. i got the same message and that's what I did. It's been enough for me and I put up lots of pictures. looking forward to reading about all the fun things you did!