This post isn't really in any sort of order but I couldn't go long without posting about my precious, amazing, wonderful, faithful and godly prayer group girls! We started meeting together once a week to share prayer requests shortly after returning from our semester together in Israel almost 8 years ago and we haven't stopped since! God has done incredible things through these women! We have prayed for 5 going on 6 ;) relationships, dating, engagements, wedding showers, graduating from college, 4 of us living together in one apartment :), our weddings, pregnancies that made 3 of us mommies, baby showers, moving out of town, moving across the WoRlD to Africa and the list goes on! We are open, honest, vulnerable, full of encouragement and exhortation to one another and God has truly been so kind to bring us together.

The hard part about praying is that the Lord answers these request...I know, that's a good thing!...but it has now taken 3 of us away.
Heather and Aimee are overseas in various places of ministry and Abi is out of town learning to be a new wife to her husband Issa! That leaves 3 of us here...and although we wouldn't wish them away from doing what they love, we sure do miss them and feel incomplete! Girls, I'm so thankful for each of you and as I type this I get a little teary-eyed to think of the overwhelming blessings and love God has poured out on my life because of you 5!
Sorry that these next two are grainy but they're from awhile back and I like them. :) We've shared many moments together...this one happens to be celebrating Aimee's birthday at her favorite,
Claim Jumper!
I love you girls! Thanks for being dearest friends to me and I'm so thankful to know that even being oceans apart won't keep us from staying close!